I am an experienced audio and video producer. I do photo and video shoots, audio and video editing, DVD authoring, print and website production, prepare video for the web, and all the mysterious things that make a website and a campaign successful.
I edit in Adobe Premiere CS6 on a Mac Pro with 22GB of memory, a 1TB startup SSD and a 12TB video RAID hard disk system with two large display screens. I edit in Final Cut Pro 7, Final Cut Pro X, and Adobe Premiere CS6 on a MacBook Pro Retina with 16GB, 1TB SSD. I also use the MacBook Pro Retina for field editing and webcasting with Wirecast. I use a Thunderbolt BlackMagic UltraStudio Mini Recorder and a USB Magewell digitizer to capture uncompressed HD video from the camera to the computer, and look forward to even higher-resolution results in my projects.
My production tools include a Panasonic Lumix GH4 4K DSLR camera for still photography and video production, and a Sony NEX-VG20 2K video camera for event recording or webcasting music and events. I have several lenses for the cameras. I also have Sony 3-chip video miniDV format cameras. I do video and audio recording projects and multi-cam editing and streaming. I also do multimedia production, media conversion services and more. When I work corporate videos and shows as Camera Operator, I am using AV rental long lens ENG camera equipment.
Live video broadcasts to Facebook Live, YouTube Live, or Livestream, using Wirecast or Open Broadcasting Software. Digitze SDI or HDMI video with Blackmagic UltraStudio Mini Recorder, connect via Thunderbolt, encode, record and stream on a MacBook Pro Retina.
Alternately, use a Magewell digitzer that converts HDMI to USB 3.0. The Magewell Plus model has audio in and output ports, and loop through video, the other model does not. Wirecast or OBS will work with Magewell digitizers.
When using a MacBook Pro for streaming, use an Apple Ethernet USB adapter, or an Apple Thunderbolt Ethernet adapter to connect to your internet video streaming server. Use speedtest.net to affirm fast enough internet streaming bandwidth.
My resume is here
Here is a link for my video projects
Here is some of my AV production work for shows
Here is a link for my website projects
My Enlightened Films Channel and Website
California Alpine Club – California Alpine Club 2013 Centennial video project. Ed Ellsworth, Video Editor
Harbin thru the Decades – Garden play at Harbin Hot Springs with the August 9 resident cast. Ed Ellsworth, Videographer
Marianne Williamson Gala Fundraiser – I shot and edited these larger frame HD videos with my latest DSLR interchangeable lens Sony NEX-VG20 video camera. Because of the small camera size and portability, and that the battery lasts so long, I am able to position myself close to the speakers at an event in a crowded, noisy room and at least capture an archive of the event for the organizer. Ed Ellsworth, Videographer
Justine Gabrielle presents Makka-ho Exercises – The Sony NEX-VG20 onboard shotgun mic pics up audio from the subject well, will record in stereo or Dolby 5.1, without needing a lavalier mic on her. The camera captures a good image, even in low light conditions. I am shooting everything as high resolution HD video now, to SD memory card and editing in Final Cut Pro. Ed Ellsworth, Videographer and Editor
Sacred Awakening… a one of a kind 67 Card Deck created by Sa’arah… Ed Ellsworth, Videographer and Editor
I used a white screen backdrop for this promotional video.
I shot and edited this video of the monks from Sera Monastery creating and dissolving a sand mandala painting. Ed Ellsworth, Videographer
I shot and edited this video The Nutrition Pathway for Beyond Health. It features Raymond Francis, author of Never Be Sick Again. Ed Ellsworth, Videographer and Editor
I shot and edited this video Visionary Art, Music and Video Festival at the Palace of Fine Arts. It features muscians, dancers and animation composited and chroma-keyed by me. Ed Ellsworth, Videographer and Editor
I edited this video Inspired Earth for Michael Bailey and Greenpeace Action. It features Patricia Watson as the narrator. Ed Ellsworth, Video Editor
I edited this video Youth Challenge for Whole Life Expo and the Wisdom Channel. Ed Ellsworth, Video Editor
I edited this video of the Grand Wailea Resort & Spa as a demo reel for an interactive touchscreen project for the hotel and activities industry on Maui. Ed Ellsworth, Video Editor